A castle, a factory hall or a tent?

A castle, a factory hall or a tent?

In the beginning there is always an idea, in the end your unforgettable event and in the middle the attractive, unique location as a suitable setting. ShowConnection knows these event locations from many years of experience.

The ShowConnection GmbH really has something to offer. But how do you find the right one? Lease for your event?

If one Events want to organize, whether for friends, family or work colleagues - it needs good preparation. This is the only way this special event can run smoothly. One of the most important aspects is the selection of the location. Because the place where the event takes place plays a very important role. The location is the first thing guests see, and as is well known; the first impression sticks. For this reason, it is very important that the location where the event takes place is chosen to match the theme of the event and looks good.

The special event agency

If you want to organize a small event, such as a small Birthday party, the silver wedding or a confirmation, an event in which not so many people take part, you don't need a huge hall. Party rooms, restaurants or inns are suitable for such events. Because there is nothing worse than an empty room. Nevertheless, you should have enough free space so that it is not too narrow. After all, what would a party be without a place to dance? So pay attention to the size of the Lease and adapt them to the idea of ​​your event.

However, if you want to organize a larger event, such as a concert, you need more space - that's clear. Also, make sure emergency exits are in place. Of course you have to have a suitable stage at a concert event so that the artists can really let off steam.

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