In the show “Das Supertalent” on VOX they were the big winners. The trash percussion formation Bubble Beatz is an absolute exception in the live area. Because for the musicians, dealing with scrap and self-made instruments is not just a show element or avant-garde gimmick, but they also consistently implement the musical potential contained therein.
At the centre of the show is a scaffold hung with barrels, pans, buckets and old car parts - the Trash Machine - on which the two drummers Christian and Kay produce sounds and grooves that are otherwise only known from samplers. On stage they perform an impressive balancing act between live musical act, performance and artistry, which demands everything from them both technically and physically. [vc_btn title=“Example video“ link=“||target:%20_blank“][vc_btn title=“Example video“ link=“||target:%20_blank“][vc_btn title=“Example video“ link=“||target:%20_blank“]