Dressed in the style of the 2s when the
manual service was still golden and the leather and twined shoes promised to last half a lifetime, the classic shoeshine boy first directs his trained and passionate attention to his customers' shoes. With nimble fingers, twinkling eyes and a good dose of humour, he invites them to linger for a while on a comfortable stool in order to lovingly and skilfully show off his cleaning and caring skills.

It not only gives him the opportunity to tell a few funny anecdotes or
handing out compliments, but just as skilfully and
sympathetic about the products and the philosophy of his
to inform the client.
After the satisfied customer is said goodbye to the end with the cleanest shoes - and if desired with a pleasantly massaged Achilles tendon as a special highlight - he is usually open to more
Information. In any case, however, the name of the corresponding product or the service provider remains in a particularly pleasant memory!